
Home / Media / Zenzo EMS Training Saves Life After Emergency Landing: A Powerful Example of Preparedness in Action

Zenzo EMS Training Saves Life After Emergency Landing: A Powerful Example of Preparedness in Action

Published : 15 October 2024

Zenzo EMS’s life-saving prudence training was particularly helpful in a recent incident onboard a flight from Mumbai to Chennai when a 64-year-old passenger suffered a cardiac arrest. This was highlighted by Praveen Kumar, an employee of Zenplus fleet who was trained by Zenzo and was present in the situation to render CPR which is thanks to Zenzo EMS’s emphasis on safety and preparedness.

The flight which was supposed to go directly was redirected to Madurai airport since there were air show practices in Chennai. Immediately after the arrival of the aircraft and warning all on board that they are about to land, the patient fainted causing panic to the crew and other passengers. Thanks to the teachings of Zenzo EMS, Praveen sprang into action without hesitation and performed CPR with the aid of the cabin crew; the patient was revived, thanks to the importance of emergency response training.

This incident demonstrates Zenzo EMS’s commitment to equipping people with the skills and abilities to respond in emergency situations, thus saving lives. Practical, real-life training is how Zenzo works, so trainees like Praveen know what to do when it’s imperative and every second is a viewpoint that looks towards guidance. This is an example of why Zenvo’s vision includes making the world safe and homeowners are less vulnerable. The Week