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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Symptoms and Signs

Prostate cancer is a serious health issue in men, especially in terms of male age. It arises from the prostate gland, a small almond-shaped gland situated below the bladder of men. Prostate cancer may be slow-growing, but it can be very aggressive and metastasise to other organs when a patient is undiagnosed. The timely detection of symptoms is important for successful treatment and better outcomes. Some of the common symptoms include frequent urination, trouble urinating, hematuria, weak urine flow, and erectile dysfunction. Prostate cancers are classified based on their aggressiveness and growth rate. The most common type is adenocarcinoma, which develops from glandular tissue. Other less common subtypes include small cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumours.

Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Urinary Symptoms

Urinary problems are very common early signs. They can be associated with a weak flow (e.g., leak, weak flow), an overt urge to urinate, especially at night (e.g., nocturia), and pain/burning during urination.

Blood-Related Symptoms

The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) or semen (hematospermia) is alarming and may indicate an underlying issue such as prostate cancer.

Sexual Health Symptoms

Changes in sexual function can be a symptom. These may include erectile dysfunction (failure to attain/sustain penile erection), reduction of sexual desire, and pain in the genitals during ejaculation.

Advanced Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Chronic Pelvic or Lower Back Pain

Prostate cancer advances may lead to the development of chronic pelvic pain or lower back pain. This pain may be constant or intermittent.

Bone Pain (Spine, Ribs, Pelvis)

Bone pain, particularly in areas like the spine, ribs, and pelvis, can be a sign that prostate cancer has spread (metastasised) to these areas.

Swelling in Legs or Feet

Swelling in the legs or feet (oedema) may occur due to lymphatic obstruction caused by the cancer or its spread.

Fatigue, Weakness, or Unintended Weight Loss

Advanced prostate cancer leads to general poor health and decreasing energy/life, manifesting clinically as fatigue, weakness, and unintentional weight loss.

Types of Prostate Cancer

Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate

This is the most common prostate cancer. It originates from glandular cells responsible for the secretion in the prostate. Adenocarcinomas also have large ranges in growth rate and degree of malignancy.

Small Cell Carcinoma

Small cell carcinoma is a very aggressive, rare form that is particularly often diagnosed at later stages. It is known to spread rapidly to other body sites.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This rare kind arises in flat cells that line the prostate. Squamous cell carcinomas are generally rapidly proliferative malignancies that could metastasise aggressively.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma

These in this species are largely derived from the cell lining of the urethra, the tube where the urine exits from the body. In some instances, transitional cell carcinoma of the prostate gland is also involved.

Sarcomas and Prostate Lymphomas

Sarcomas and prostate lymphomas represent malignant conditions arising in men that pose specific problems in diagnosis as well as management. Sarcomas arise in connective tissues, including muscle, fat or vessels, and there are very rare cases involving the prostate. Prostate lymphomas, on the other hand, arise from the lymphatic system and account for less than 1% of prostate malignancies. Such malignancies can lead to urinary obstruction, pelvic pain, or systemic symptoms, such as weight loss and fatigue. Diagnosis typically requires imaging, biopsies, and advanced pathology tests. Treatment is generally variable but usually includes chemotherapy, radiation, or targeted therapy. Early diagnosis and treatment by a multidisciplinary approach are significant in gaining better outcomes and managing these aggressive, extremely rare human cancers efficiently.

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Early Detection Saves Lives

Awareness and preliminary diagnosis are of great importance during the treatment of prostate cancer. Regular screening and early medical checkups can play a positive role, allowing early intervention and increased survival rates. Knowledge of different presentations of prostate cancer, including the less common ones such as sarcomas and lymphomas, allows patients to identify and, in turn, early seek medical consultation. It is important to break the stigma around men’s health and open the conversation around prostate health. By spreading awareness and promoting routine medical checkups, we can help ease the burden of late-stage diagnosis and ultimately save lives. Let’s collectively create an awareness context of prevention and preventive healthcare in an attempt to fight prostate cancer effectively. Today’s early actions can be tomorrow’s healthier living.


Who is at risk for prostate cancer?

Men older than 50, men with a family history, African-American race, and poor diet and inactivity habits further increase the risk.

How is prostate cancer diagnosed?

Prostate cancer is diagnosed using PSA blood tests, digital rectal exams to detect 

abnormalities, and biopsies to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

Is prostate cancer curable?

If it is diagnosed in an early stage, prostate cancer is curable. The treatments include surgery, radiation, or hormonal therapy, depending on the stage and patient factors.