
Zenzo runs 24/7 for timely and efficient medical care in emergency situations in Delhi. Starting with crossing the crowded streets in the city or critical support on wheels, the Zenzo ambulance service is designed for every critical situation. From high-tech instruments to the world's best paramedics and absolutely flawless operations, Zenzo ensures that your loved ones get the best care possible when emergencies strike. We are dedicated to becoming your first port of call in case of an emergency with comfort, efficiency, and medical expertise of a high order.

Types of Emergency Ambulance Services Available in Delhi

Trust in Our Expertise

Harness our wealth of expertise in Ambulance on-board Care or Corporate Healthcare, backed by international quality standards.


Saving on Costs

Rapid Response and Transit:

GPS-enabled Ambulances ensure timely delivery to hospitals with less delay

Be Stress-Free

Trustworthy and Experienced Treatment:

Customers will get certified EMTs, certified paramedics, and specialists at all stages to handle treatment more effectively.

Seamless Medical Care:

Backup through 5G technology doctors are in constant consultation with our ambulances in real-time

Simplified Accessibility

Our company's services are targeting remote and congested areas, so no one is left deserted.


Customized emergency services based on unique requirements. Through this we ensure that patients receive appropriate care and complete support.


service solutions for emergency care are done with an eye to catering specifically to the needs of patients in a critical moment.

Get the Best Emergency Ambulance Service in Delhi

Book Zenzo's advanced ambulance service today and ensure you get the quickest, most reliable care in an emergency!


1. Within what time does a Zenzo Ambulance reach a caller in Delhi? plus minus button

 We have all-equipped ambulances with such medical equipment, utilising GPS technologies, which enable them to reach the location for quick and effective delivery of critical care. Hence, it takes a few minutes to reach the location based on traffic and location.

 Our ALS and specialised ambulances are equipped with the latest in medical technology and well-prepared personnel in case serious cases occur.

 Absolutely! We have specialised neonatal, cardiac, and other types of ambulance services that meet your requirements.

Hence, we offer an air ambulance facility to seriously ill patients requiring a long-distancehospital-to-hospitall transfer within an extremely short time.

You can call our helpline or log in to our website at any given time of the day to order an ambulance service.


Most efficient ambulance service in Kolkata! I am satisfied with Zenzo’s emergency services. It is affordable and quick!

Sarmishtha Dey

Hrishikesh Ranade, HR director

I am truly impressed by the high quality of service provided by Zenzo Healthcare. Excited to see 5G changing the present and paving the way for a better future!

Mousumi Sayan

Customer Testimonial 2

Excellent service by Zenzo. Grateful for the immediate response. I wholeheartedly recommend their services.

Arindam Pal

Vinay, HR Manager